Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sex tape roils Cambodian community Outrage over video of monk, woman involved in disputed temple project
By Lyle Moran,

4/13/13--Dig 645 -- LOW_CambodianProtest-- Protesters held signs outside of the Buddhist New Year celebration that was held at the Elks Lodge in Lowell on Saturday afternoon. (SUN/Ashley Green) (SUN/Ashley Green)

LOWELL - A video circulating of a Buddhist monk having sex with a woman helping him lead a Lowell temple project has rocked the local Cambodian community and further splintered the community's feelings about the effort. Those angered by the video's contents, as well as the alleged lack of financial transparency by leaders of the temple project, protested Saturday morning across the street from the temple group's Cambodian New Year's celebration at the Lowell Lodge of Elks on Old Ferry Road. >>>Read more

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